Week 4: Why We Need the Gospel: GOD’s Judgment

Aug 27, 2023    Brad Prater

Title: Week 4: Why We Need the Gospel: GOD’s Judgment

Scripture: Romans 2 (https://t.ly/qqAIv)

Live Stream Link: https://t.ly/kdjAT

1. Allows For No Exceptions

2. Do Not Presume On His Kindness But Turn To Him In Repentance

3. Will Result In God’s Wrath On The Unrepentant

4. Is Based On What We Have Really Been, Sought, And Done

5. Reaches To The Secrets Of Our Hearts

6. We Must Be Transformed Inwardly By The Spirit Of GOD

NOTES: https://t.ly/SX0rR

Tithe & Offering: https://t.ly/loEs